Famous Recipes

Famous and not so famous recipes – who are you to decide? Who am I to decide?

Recipes Tried and True

SOUP Recipes


To one quart of beans add one teaspoon of soda, cover with water, let

boil until the hulls will slip off, skim the beans out, throw them

into cold water, rub with the hands, then remove the hulls; drain, and

rub until all hulls are removed; take two quarts of water to one quart

of beans, boil until the beans will mash smooth; boil a small piece of

meat with the beans. If you have no meat, rub butter and flour

together, add to the soup, pour over toasted bread or crackers, and

season with salt and pepper. Add a little parsley, if desired.

Chicken Recipes

February 5, 2008 Posted by | Chicken Recipes | Leave a comment